Port Kembla is the Number 1 place for basing Submarines on the East Coast of Australia as it could have a huge positive economic impact for the Illawarra and Shoalhaven Regions. RDA Illawarra has advocated for nearly 10 years for naval defence operations to have a presence in the region, along with regional peak bodies and bipartisan support.
Economic modelling indicates that a submarine base in Port Kembla would generate $3.2 billion for the Illawarra economy in gross regional product and 7,000 jobs, both direct and indirect. The majority would be high-tech jobs and a small defence presence would strengthen our innovation ecosystem.
In an opinion piece for the Sydney Morning Herald, CEO Debra Murphy explains that while the word “nuclear” raises fears for some in our community, that any hazards/risks would no doubt be managed by Defence. Following the Prime Minister’s recent announcement, RDA Illawarra look forward to working with all levels of Government to share our evidence and support our bid that Port Kembla is the No. 1 East Coast base for submarines.