Federal court ruling paves way for Port Kembla Container Terminal ….a win for Port Kembla and NSW
Regional Development Australia (RDA) – Illawarra welcomed the ruling by Justice Jagot of the Federal Court that dismissed the ACCC’s case against the NSW Government & NSW Ports Pty. Ltd., which alleged provisions in the Commitment Deeds were anti-competitive.
The reasons for the judgement, which were released yesterday, included Justice Jagot stating that “the proposed development of a container terminal by the Port of Newcastle…. is speculative, far-fetched and fanciful and are not a real chance or real possibility.”
Debra Murphy, CEO of RDA Illawarra said, “The judgement by Justice Jagot makes it clear that Port Kembla will be the second Container Terminal for NSW. This is a win not only for Port Kembla’s growth, but importantly for freight efficiency and reliability of supply chains in NSW.”
“Port Kembla is a nationally significant trade gateway. Efficient road and rail connectivity between Port Kembla and Western Sydney is imperative. We need to plan now for the long term future container terminal and synergistic port-related growth industries. This decision by the federal court paves the way to start the long term planning required to activate the Container Terminal at Port Kembla. We believe planning alone will be a 10 year journey – so it needs to begin now.”
“We look forward to working with the private sector and all three levels of government to achieve the highest and best use for valuable port-related industrial lands in the Port of Port Kembla precinct.”