Hydrogen Industry in the Illawarra
A Joint Submission by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Illawarra & RDA Sydney The Illawarra is ideally positioned for the creation of a Hydrogen Hub for NSW, as part of Australia’s National Hydrog…
A Joint Submission by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Illawarra & RDA Sydney The Illawarra is ideally positioned for the creation of a Hydrogen Hub for NSW, as part of Australia’s National Hydrog…
In January 2021, RDA Illawarra welcomed the opportunity to provide comment on the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Transport Plan (Draft RTP) 2021 to 2041 as developed by Transport for New South Wales (T…
Can’t Find Enough Skilled Workers?
Demand for skilled workers in the Illawarra shows no sign of slowing, and RDA Illawarra wants to shine a spotlight on the skills and occupations local businesses re…
The Illawarra Shoalhaven Smart Region strategy is the result of a co-creation process involving over 30 representatives across Government, academia, industry and community. The Smart Region Strategy b…
The Leadership Illawarra program is a two-year experiential learning program for the region’s emerging leaders. RDA Illawarra have partnered with the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong a…
In December 2018, the Illawarra Shoalhaven Join Organisation, Department of Premier and Cabinet, University of Wollongong and RDA Illawarra committed developing a Western Sydney - Illawarra-Shoalhaven…
RDA Illawarra has long supported the development of the Illawarra Sports & Entertainment Precinct (ISEP), along with the region’s Peak Bodies. Our advocacy work has been ongoing and traversed several…
RDA Illawarra was pleased to support the Western Sydney and Illawarra Shoalhaven Roadmap to Collaboration project. The roadmap was launched at NSW Parliament House on 19 September 2019.
The Western …