

RDA Illawarra develops many advocacy submissions on Infrastructure.  One of our submissions was jointly developed with the Illawarra Business Chamber in response to Infrastructure Australia's invitation for comments raised in the release of the Australian Infrastructure Audit Report.  The  joint submission is Illawarra's response to help 'guide and inform the development of the 15 year Australian Infrastructure Plan'.

Infrastructure includes road, rail, airports (both Illawarra Regional Airport and Western Sydney Airport), Port developments as well as Smart Cities digital connectivity.

Infrastructure also includes development of Tourism Infrastructure, such as the Shell Cove Marina development as well as the WIN Entertainment and Sports Precinct Concept development.

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The Illawarra Shoalhaven Smart Region strategy is the result of a co-creation process involving over 30 representatives across Government, academia, industry and community. The Smart Region Strategy b…

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In December 2018, the Illawarra Shoalhaven Join Organisation, Department of Premier and Cabinet, University of Wollongong and RDA Illawarra committed developing a Western Sydney - Illawarra-Shoalhaven…

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RDA Illawarra has long supported the development of the Illawarra Sports & Entertainment Precinct (ISEP), along with the region’s Peak Bodies.  Our advocacy work has been ongoing and traversed several…


A key strategic imperative for RDA Illawarra is that we enable infrastructure to improve connectivity and unlock investment opportunities. Much of our current work centres on the opportunities to better connect with Greater Sydney, including developments in Western Sydney.
