We are proud to announce that the Illawarra-Shoalhaven City Deal Prospectus was launched in October 2020 and is available here.
The Illawarra-Shoalhaven City Deal will deliver transformative change and 12,550 jobs to the regions. Further information on the types of jobs, including over 2,000 for the Visitor Economy and the breakdown of high value-add jobs is provided in the briefing document here.
The City Deal Prospectus is the culmination of several years of work with our partners in a deeply collaborative way, led by RDA Illawarra. This Collaborative group includes representatives from Wollongong City Council, Shellharbour City Council, Kiama Municipal Council and Shoalhaven City Council, Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation of Councils, University of Wollongong, SMART Infrastructure Facility, RDA Far South Coast and the Peak Bodies of the Property Council, Illawarra Business Chamber and UDIA.
The transformative range of proposed projects, when fully funded, will deliver a connected, diverse and resilient economy. Not only will the Illawarra-Shoalhaven benefit, but this inter-regional proposal enables improved liveability and growth in South-Western Sydney, including Wollondilly and Campbelltown.
RDA Illawarra believes that an Illawarra-Shoalhaven City Deal could be a game-changer which enables our ability to work across all three levels of government and unlock economic potential.
For further information, contact Debra Murphy at admin@rdaillawarra.com.au